Because she wanted to stand out in a competitive industry, she left 纽约 to study theater at Temple.

佩奇史默伍德, 解冻的17, sees theater as “a way to escape or express the hardships that come with life. It’s a beautiful tool to help people, even if it’s just a two-hour escape. It can help them digest something they went through.”

Smallwood grew up with theater but struggled with stage fright and credits Temple for her transformation. 她的第一个主要角色是 《威尼斯赌场网站》 quickly followed up with two principal roles in the 2022 North American 之旅 汉密尔顿, including Denver, New Orleans, Ottawa and more.




“Temple really helped me get out of my shell, and taking a road less traveled paid off when it came to auditioning for 汉密尔顿. They were like ‘Oh, you’re a breath of fresh air.’”

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在百老汇热播剧的第一幕, 斯莫伍德饰演佩吉·斯凯勒, the youngest daughter of a wealthy family and future sister-in-law of founding father Alexander 汉密尔顿.

佩吉谦逊而纯洁. 充满孩子气. She and 汉密尔顿 strike up a platonic correspondence.

“It’s like a little sister, best friend relationship,” explained Smallwood.

But when act II begins, Smallwood has transformed. 现在她扮演玛丽亚·雷诺兹, an estranged wife who seduces 汉密尔顿 while the two are living in Philadelphia, 这让他很容易被勒索.

“She really kind of messes things up for 汉密尔顿 by getting a little hot and heavy,斯莫尔伍德说, adding that she enjoys the duality of her roles. “It’s really fun because they’re two very different characters.”


In some ways, Smallwood’s mid-play transformation mirrors her own path. 出生在皇后区, 纽约, 在长岛长大, Smallwood was involved with community theater from a young age. But Smallwood was shy, and hesitated to venture far from the stages she knew.

“I was dealing with the same people day in and day out. It eased my nerves that they knew me,” she recalled.

When it came time for college and she considered renowned 纽约-based programs, 总觉得有些事不对劲. An open-ended search instead led her to a visit to Temple’s theater program. 这种契合立刻显现出来.

“The second I walked in it felt like I was home,斯莫尔伍德说. “Everyone I met was so lovely … I felt seen and I wanted to know more.”

但邓波儿也挑战了斯莫尔伍德. Suddenly she had to audition before people whom she’d never met. 

“Temple really helped me get out of my shell,斯莫尔伍德说. “And taking a road less traveled paid off when it came to auditioning for 汉密尔顿. They were like ‘Oh, you’re a breath of fresh air.’”


According to Smallwood, Temple also helped her expand her literal horizons. Between her junior and senior years, she visited England on a six-week study abroad program.


毕业后, she applied and gained entrance into the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London. After earning her master’s in musical theater performance, she was quickly back stateside for her first major role as Eponine in the U.S. 之旅 《威尼斯赌场网站》, ultimately setting the stage for her casting in 汉密尔顿.


Smallwood hasn’t decided on her next move yet. Perhaps Los Angeles for a chance at movies, or, as she half-jokes, maybe running a bison farm. Keeping it light and staying true to yourself are key, she offered.

“Life is forever changing and so is this industry,” she said. “完完全全地、毫无歉意地做你自己. 因为没有人像你一样.”


A Temple education is career- and community-focused. From learning opportunities across the country and around the world, to learning from faculty and industry experts and taking on internships and other opportunities across Philadelphia, all students have the chance to gain important experience when it comes to exploring the possibilities for their future.